Monday, October 27, 2008

The problem with relying on the things of the 21st century.....

Not so long ago, cell phones were as big as bricks, we all thought it was funny, a phone you could take with you? Now we text more then call. Not so long ago, no one really had the internet ( I remember the time, you had to pay by the hour, my dad was mad because I was on forever), or home computers, and if you did, you used a floppy disc and not a thumb drive. Not so long ago, there was only atari and ms pacman. no wii fit, or guitar hero. Not so long ago microwaves were really heavy to move and they had dials and only the start button to push. (my family got the microwave when I was a baby, they used it to heat my bottles- they gave classes on how to use them as well)

Not so long ago, my little laptop contracted several virus', a couple of spyware things, and it couldn't do anything. The place I took it to, only could get half of the problem fixed. So I need to reinstall windows on my computer. SCARY!!!! I could lose everything. Of course I will take precautions and copy everything to a thumbdrive. But still.

Most people now have a cell phone, as thier only phone. I am one of those. When service goes down, I have no contact with the world outside of Logan, this is a scary thought what happens if I fall and can't call 911? unliss I buy a phone card, and go into work to use the phone.

Yes, they are all nice to have, but..... when they all come crashing down, do we really survive? I have gone crazy not able to check email and facebook, and other sites I use on a daily basis, yes this does include school stuff as well. I do have wifi on my cell phone, so I can check facebook, and myspace, but I can't check email, or get online to do my internet classes. But what happens if my cell contracts a virus??? What then???

The world is getting scary. We all depend on the things that we used to live without. Cell phones, dishwashers, microwaves, computers, the internet, digital cameras, and the like. Don't get me wrong, I love them as much as the next person, and I can't wait to be in a place that has a dishwasher. That has a laundry room either in the place I live, or at least on the premises. But we seem to all take it for granted, until they break, or worse, go up in smoke.

So we should give thanks, when they are working, not just when we get them back from the shop.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

I See the Light

I have really good news. I finally see the light at the end of the tunnel, and no I am not talking about me dying! I am graduating in Dec. of 2009!!!!

For those of you that have known me since I have started, can you believe it? Some of you I met along the way. Some of you have cheered me on. I want to thank everyone that has been apart of my support through the long and treacherous journey through school. It has been long, it has been hard. But I know it is worth it.

I do not yet know what I will be doing, or where it will take me, so do not ask. I will let you all know.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

I have been tagged!

Thanks Dana! Seven random things about me:
1: I have a stuffed pig, that I named Wilbur, I got the pig from Christmas from my dad. The reason it is a big and not a cat. One day, my dad, came down stairs and told us girls we lived like pigs. Enter pig things in my life.
2: I have been signing (ASL) since I was 10 because I learned one song as a girl scout.
3: I once was stung by over 50 yellowjackets at Jenny Evans house. The hive was on the 2nd floor of her playhouse. Her dad saved my life by risking his (he is deathly allergic) I froze in place and they attacked me. I was stung over 200 times. They don't die when they sting you. They followed us to the back door of their kitchin.
4: I fell four floors from that very same playhouse about 2 months later. It is amazing that I didn't die. The first floor was kitchen, a grown up could stand in it. The second floor where I was stung had two stairs to a third level which had a ladder to the fourth where it was really a platform for a slide. I fell from it landing on my back on rocks.
5: I fell in love with doing ceramics last summer, and in the process ran into someone I had a crush on in grade school. Don't figure, who would guess that I would actually get to know him, and that he actually knew my name! He also majored in ceramics.
6: I have taught jr. high math in ASL. For those who know me well. I really did it, and I finally understood it as well!
7: I don't know how to do the linking thing and I don't know 7 people who blog, so the person who sent this to me is: The Spear Clan
The people I will send it to is: McKinstry Clan
The Bryd Lady
The Brown Family
The Hertigs
Things on my Mind

Friday, October 10, 2008

My Mother

My sister posted a lovely blog about our mother. I really try to block out this week, not think about what happened 7 years ago, when she was taken from us. It still makes me cry. But I want to thank my sister for posting what she did. So to share with you what my sister did, I will just direct you to her blog. Thanks sis. I love you.

Mom, I love you. Miss you. Can't wait to see you.

Reactions to the dead rodent in my house......

I have had so many reactions to the squirel picture. I thought I should share them with everyone.

Some people thought it was a rat, or even a kitty cat.
Some people were sad, some were even glad
One thought it was funny and loves the idea of the killer cat that I have
Some people were sick, some people were shocked
Some people want me to stop.

Well I will stop talking about it.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Update: Poor little creatures outside my home.....

Not even five minutes later, when I had posted about the poor grasshopper, I heard Spike, meowing behind me. And this is what I found. I am sorry that it is so blurry. When I heard him come in, I got the camera ready, I have to admit, I let out a little yelp, and a jump at the same time. I didn't even stop to think to see if I had a clear picture. I just took it outside right after I took the picture.
Poor little squirel.
The delayed posting is because of work.

In the Life of a Poor Grasshopper.....

In recent years, this is what we think of when we say grasshoppers. I loved "A Bug's Life". Hopper, is a smart vicious little grasshopper. But this is not the type of grasshopper I am thinking of.......

Let me reintroduce you to my cat Spike, aka Old Man. In all the times I have had cats. I have been amazed at what they are like, their personalities etc... Like I said before, people didnt think Spike would be a good cat. Well they were wrong. But he is getting to be quite a little hunter.

Yes this is what you think it is. A grasshopper in the box. Yes I know, you probably have seen one of these before, so why the picture? In the background of the picture, are movies. That means, this was brought into my house. By Spike. I would have loved to get a picture of him bringing it in, but when he sees me watching he drops it and comes over to me looking very happy and proud of himself. "Look Mom, I can catch a grasshopper!"

So, Spike brings in the grasshopper, and then if the other cats are inside as well, they all sit and watch it. But if it moves to much, it gets bitten, and poked at. I rescue as many as I can. But I can't save every grasshopper out there. I pick them up carefully, and put them outside, and tell them to run or jump away as fast as they can, if they want to survive.

So poor little grasshoppers become either eaten or disabled around my home. Because if they don't die, then they only have one leg, and it is just a sad life.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Frustrations of the night.....

So I have a take home test, no big deal, I thought. I will type it up, send it in email. Since that is allowed, and be done. Well, I answered all the questions. I should have been in bed by 10, at the latest. But obviously if you are reading this, and you see the time it was posted you know that something went wong.

When I went to save it. It said it was saved. So I went to add it to an attachment to be done with it. I was stupid and I closed the word screen. There was no test. I searched high and low. I did finally find it. But alas, there were no answers. So I am totally confused to how this happened. It said it was saved, it went to the temporary file. Which I didn't even know existed. So now it is 12:20 and I am still awake, trying to answer the questions again. I spent at least an hour or more, looking for the test, with the answers.

So the moral of this story is, be sure you don't close down any screens that you think you might need, until you are done with what you are doing. Then you would have been asleep, a little past your bedtime, and not into the wee wee hours of the morning or if you look at it really really late at night.