Monday, May 25, 2009

Spiders, bathrooms and me.

Need I say more??? This is humours to me but also is freaking me out, so I thought I would share so you all could laugh with me or at me, I really don't care.

When I was a child, Katie and I had a bad night with a couple of spiders, I have never really liked them, but now I am really scared of them.

Yesterday morning when I was getting ready for church I opened my bathroom cupboard to rab my toothbrush and I saw a spider that was pretty big, about the size of a nicole, with a white dot on its back. I jumped grabbed a shoe and killed it. Then as I reached up to turn of the bathroom light (its a pull light just a little to where the shower curtain rod is) I saw another one. I also tried to kill that one, but all I did was knock it off its purch. I jumped back because it started to swing on its thread. Then it climbed back up.

I know a person, my visiting teacher, who is not afriad of spiders, so I asked her to come kill it. We could not find it. Well this morning, I was shaking out everything in the bathroom so I could get into the shower, when I saw it. I ran and grabbed something to kill it with but its a fast bugger, and I had to move the litter box, and the cat litter and so forth, then it was gone.

Lets just say I took the fastest shower I ever have, and I now have my toothbrush and hair brush in the kitchen. I am going to go buy bug and spider spray today, so I can spray the house tomorrow, so bye bye black spider.

Then I can breathe again, and take longer showers and not be so jumpy every time, I feel a thread of string on me.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Life since my last post

Everyone, I have been so busy. I have finished this semester with the best grades I have ever gotten, in the hardest semester I have had. 2 B's and 2 A-'s. I am very proud and happy with these grades. But I am so blessed, if it had not been for the Lord's help, Becky's writing skills, and everyone's constant love and support and prayers, I would not have made it.

The cats are all doing well, we had a scare with Spike, but I was able to sell some movies and was able to take him to the vet, he is back to his oldself.

I am still at Sam's Club. This is may not really a big surprise to some, but my new manager likes to fire people. I have actually been there for 8 years. This is actully a scary thought, at least to me.

Next semester I am graduating with my BA degree, and so is Anna, my cousin, we are thinking about doing a joint grad party.

Well, thats all I can think of at the moment, my sleeping schedule is way off, and my brain is starting to turn off, so I think I will hit the sack.

Love and hugs, and thanks again for all your prayers, thoughts, and love, and support